Transforming teachers, so they can empower children to reach their greatest potential (252) 375-4664
In-Person Training
Online Childcare Webinars
Self-Paced Childcare Courses
On-Site Webinars
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Childcare Edu Services Contact
Director's Specials $450
Director's Special - $230
Effective Leadership Strategies (3 Hours)
Building Effective Teams (3 HOURS)
Creating Supportive Environments and Procedures for Breastfeeding Mothers 1 Hour
Implementing Positive Classroom Discipline (Infant/Toddler) 3 Hours
Implementing Positive Classroom Discipline (3+) 3 Hours
Understanding ADHD and Strategies for Success 2 Hours
Teaching Strategies for Children Diagnosed with Autism
Implementing Positive Classroom Discipline (Infant/Toddler) 6/3/23
Webinar-Implementing Positive Classroom Discipline (3+) 3 Hours 3/21/23
Webinar-Teaching Strategies for Children Diagnosed with Autism 2 Hours 5/27/23
Webinar-Teaching Strategies for Children Diagnosed with Autism 2 Hours 5/24/23
Webinar-Understanding ADHD and Strategies for Success 2 Hours 4/1/23
Webinar-Understanding ADHD and Strategies for Success 2 Hours 4/5/23
Webinar - Implementing Positive Classroom Discipline (Inf/Tod) 3 Hours 6/3/23
Webinar - Understanding ADHD and Strategies for Success 5/3/23
Webinar -Teaching Strategies for Children Diagnosed with Autism 4/22/23
Webinar - Understanding ADHD and Strategies for Success (2 Hours) 5/6/23
Webinar - Implementing Positive Classroom Discipline (3+) 3 Hours 4/15/23
Webinar - Teaching Strategies for Children Diagnosed with Autism 2 Hours 4/19/23